Thursday, February 22, 2007

Megan and Erin at the Park

Yes, it's another episode of the Erin and Megan show! This time we find our leading ladies at the park where much to my surprise, Megan was actually smiling at me! On a funny note, Michelle's (our bride that we shot in Townsend, TN last year), daughter, Abby, was there and she went back and told her mom that the wacky guy with the camera was at the park! When I got to the park, Heather said they figured that I would bring the camera.

Erin pointing at something
Megan, not quite smiling yet. Love this shot.
Love this one, too!
"Are you still chasing me?"
"I can hide from him up here, Megan!"
The Escape Route
Now she is smiling at me, kind of, well maybe to the side.

After we were done, we thought about how I must have looked to the other mothers at the park. Strange fellow running around a kiddie park with a giant camera taking pictures of little girls. Hahaha!


Anonymous said...

These are awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, geez! I can't help but love those little girls!