Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It's that time again...!

So this time we took to the studio for what I thought might be an easier time of keeping them still enough to take their pictures together. WAHAA!!!!!!!!!! Whoa...was I ever wrong. By the time we left Heather and I were both wore out. Got some good shots though. Let's see, we've had pumpkins, candy canes and swing sets and now...plastic easter eggs.

"I know what you are trying to do and it's not going to happen, camera man."
"We don't even have to look at you"
"stop looking at him, Erin or I'll get you"
"You gonna look at him now?!?"

The aftermath
"Fine, can we eat now?"
"This isn't so bad"
"Get out of my picture"
"I'm warning you"
Ok, we'll take a picture together
"You are but a toy to me, camera man!" "Muhahaha"

Coming soon...The Easter Egg Hunt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. It was a learning experience for us all.