Friday, June 16, 2006

Kacie and Matt

We started the day at Kinderlou for a bridesmaids luncheon. I love being able to be there for these events. It was such an important part of the day for Kacie and I was glad to catch up with friends at the same time. It has been so cool to have gotten to be friends with these girls over the last 3 years! I think of each of them as my friend and would do anything for them if they needed it.

The gang!

I surprised Kacie at Anthony and Co. Salon. I love her, she is such a goofball, which in my opinion is a wonderful trait!

Matt is also a really good friend. He is the brother of Kelly, our friend who got married on April 1. Gee, can you tell Kacie and Matt were made for each other.

Kacie is just absolutely stunning in both her personality and looks!

A quick silly moment after the ceremony. We were trying as hard as we could to get to the party!

What is on Matt's mind?

Kacie's cake was so cool! This pic just goes to show you what a little help from the videographer can do for your pictures. We used the light from his video camera to light the cake. Cha-ching, the check is in the mail Daniel!

Daniel has got to be one of the most talented videographers that I have ever met. He is also very passionate about what he does. He partied with us until about 11:30, then got up the next morning at 4A.M.!!!! to film his hunting show that he produces. Check out his website at

Thanks for all the laughs these last 2 weeks! As we head back out on the road for the next few months, we are gong to miss you.

TEAM ___________ FOREVER! I still want to do that video!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kacie and Matt's wedding was so much fun. I don't think Matt ever stopped smiling. Thanks for the Comment that was nice of you. It is time for the A-Team to ride again. We will have to cut our intro soon and post it on our sites. Man, I love coming on your site and seeing your beautiful pictures. Especially the one of the tall dude at the end. Man he is sexy. Although, people are going to think that all I do at weddings is eat, which is pretty much true.

Have a good one,
Team Longieliere