Monday, June 29, 2009

Look people, have some decency. If you are looking at this blog, I can understand if you don't like some of my images or what we get to do on a day to day basis. I try to post other stuff from time to time from my personal life to give people an idea what it's like to be us. I know that by putting this out there I am opening up myself and my family to comments of all kind. Still I feel I would be remiss if I didn't address a certain comment that was posted about my little boy. Have some decency and grow up. If you have nothing better to do than to play on the internet and make derogatory comments about other people's kids than you are a sick person.


Erin and Megan said...

Whatever it was, hope it isn't too serious. Keeping you in our prayers until we see y'all again!

Emily said...

wow! if people don't have something nice to say then they shouldn't say anything at all! it's a PRECIOUS picture of him! good for you for putting people in their know how i feel about people talking crap about pictures haha! I've got your back ;)

B|is|for|Bride said...

OMG! Javon...that makes me so mad, and sad that someone would have the nerve to say anything about your dare they!-Jenifer

Anonymous said...

Wow. Bold white text. That'll show 'em! Looks like somebody hit a nerve.

Mandy said...

Are you kidding me??? How could someone make a dirigatory comment about your little cutie!!!