Sunday, November 04, 2007

Erin and Megan at the Pumpkin Patch!!

Right before Halloween, we were ab;e to get the girls in the pumpkin patch! I am sure there will be a point that they get too old to do this, but right now, I am enjoying watching the run and play through the pumpkins. I also love the time we get to spend with our best friends!

Erin was the only wiling participant at the beginning.

We tried to see how strong Megan was by getting her to pick up pumpkins. Now at first this seemed like a good idea. But after you get a few shots like this, you're done, but she's not. Next thing you know she is picking up pumpkins all over the patch and dropping them if they are too heavy. Then it looks like cutting short the session is a good idea!

"Look at my big and scary eyes/watch out for a big surprise", at least I think that's how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Less than two weeks from session to blog...if life were only that simple around here all the time...

Anonymous said...

nice. A token b/w image. I wonder who that's prodding.

Unknown said...

One day Erin is going to be a model. I can't wait until Erin and Megan take ballet :) Just think of the cute pictures of them in their costumes.